Name: Silke De Landsheer
Job title: Office Assistant
3 Fun Facts about you:
1. I actually have a bachelor’s degree in real estate
2. I am not a morning person
3. I have already finished reading a book in one day
Can you tell us a little bit about your background and who you are?
I was born and raised in Middelkerke, Belgium which is the next town over from Ostend.
I went to high school in Ostend, then spent 3 years in Ghent studying Real Estate and 1 year in Bruges for Office management.
I’m also the proud president of the youth centre of Middelkerke (Jeugdhuis De Paravang) and the internal events team at NHV HQ.
What led you to pursue a career in Aviation?
I stumbled upon the vacancy of Maintenance Assistant and thought that this could be an interesting opportunity - now I wouldn’t miss it for the world!
Since starting at NHV, I have already been promoted to be the Office Assistant. Now I have been working at NHV for 1.5 years, and a lot of colleagues are like friends to me, and I can’t see myself working anywhere else.
What do you find exciting about the industry and what is something specific about your role at NHV that you love doing?
I love that in my role as Assistant, I get to work with so many different people and departments. When I started as the Maintenance Assistant, I work closely with everyone in the hangar in Ostend and now as the Office Assistant, I work closely with the Executive Committee and all departments that are in HQ and sometimes other bases.
No two days are the same in this industry, and everything can change last minute. It’s something I had to adjust to, because often even after planning something to the most finest detail, things still change last minute.
Can you tell us a bit about a favourite project or experience that you’ve had at NHV?
My favourite experience has been getting to know the colleagues. I feel like I’ve really got to know colleagues by organising the after-work activities with the internal events team at HQ. Outside of work, I feel like I have got to know them on another level and I’m always happy when I see people enjoy themselves to improve the work atmosphere.
How do you define success?
Satisfaction from your job, which can range very widely from helping a colleague or client, to bringing a difficult and challenging project to a successful conclusion. Something you are proud to produce.
What are some of the things that you like to do, outside of work?
I love hanging out with family and friends and go to the gym 5-6 times a week - I’m only home to sleep!
I love to stay busy, so I spent time shopping, going out, having dinner, going to concerts, reading books, going for walks, travelling … I’m also passionate about music and play the piano and guitar.
What are some words of advice you would give to others who are considering pursuing a career in Aviation?
I never imagined that I would work in Aviation, so I would just take the chance and shoot your shot. If you don’t try, you’ll always regret it. And most of the time, things will work out in the end, so don’t hesitate and jump 😊.